Turning tourism plans into reality

Hi - I’m Brad Rowe. I accelerate progress for visitor economy teams and tourism businesses.

Need help on a tourism project?

Email Me


Derek Morrison - Adventure Media Group

“I have worked with Brad during the implementation of the mountain biking programme at Skyline Queenstown. This was a significant step for the company and Brad was a key driver in bringing about change in the company and ensuring that mountain biking delivered on its financial goals as well as its strategic plan. He is very easy to work with, has a great inquiring manner about him and is the consummate professional.”

About Brad

My journey in tourism has taken me all around the world to create new experiences, develop businesses and advise in public sector roles.

I’ve also swept floors, washed dishes and waited tables; learning the roles before managing the team.

This unique combination of experience has helped me gain valuable insights into all areas of the visitor economy which allows me to unlock new opportunities and create added value.

Working on purposeful and commercially successful projects is now where I focus a lot of my time as an independent consultant.

Get in touch.

If you’re looking to start a new project and need some added resource, let me know how I can help.