If I was to start a tourism business in Queenstown in 2023

Floating sauna.


- Diverse: It would appeal to residents and visitors

- Economic: The global wellness travel market is now estimated at $639 billion.

- Alignment with destination: it's a complimentary activity to the outdoor adventures in Queenstown, especially in winter.

- Availability: Can be used all year round, during the day and at night.

- Low emissions, low impact, low operational requirements

- Low risk: Reasonable start up costs, it's proven to work overseas and if it doesn't work out I can probably sell the sauna to someone 2nd hand.

- Iconic: Imagine the photo of visitors jumping in the lake in the middle of winter with The Remarkables behind them.

Step 1 - Is this a viable business? This cashflow forecast says yes. Is there anything I'm missing?

Step 2 - Should I go ahead and actually do this?!


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