Growth in visitor numbers doesn’t = growth in your tourism business

Just because visitor numbers are growing doesn't mean your tourism business will grow.

As tourism numbers continue to break new records, there are 3 impacts that come with it for any tourism business:

1. Greater growth creates greater expectations.

In a world of connection and sharing, travelers are exposed (social media) to all the great wonders and extreme experiences from around the globe.

This means your experience must continuously improve to keep up - not just with other businesses in your destination - but all the others from around the world as well.

2. Innovation.

Continued innovation within the industry will see others improving their business and offering new products and experiences.

This creates greater competition, not just from new businesses but existing businesses as well.

3. New competition.

As we saw between 2010 - 2019, a lot of new tourism businesses emerged.

Nothing wrong with that, I love the fresh energy and ideas they bring (no legacy behaviours when someone new enters tourism).

However, this also creates more competition for your business.

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We shouldn't just think because global numbers go up, our business numbers will too.

In fact, it's when we need to double down on our own business improvement by designing mind-blowing experiences, optimising sales channels and buiding resilient businesses.


Differentiation will help with that.


The future of tourism and hospitality tech